A Free Professional Crowd Creation and Crowd Voting Social Media app

Request what idea or polling you need, Share what idea or UX you like.

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Coideate Benefits

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Need polling in groups/countrywide/public?

Getting thoughts and feedbacks from your intended audience and make better decisions now available through Coideate Polling feature.

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Looking for an innovative way, idea or solution?

Any business or nonbusiness problems could be addressed in Coideate RFI(Request for Idea) with deadline, desired criteria and even optional reward facilities, in order to receive crowd idea about it.

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Would like the world to notice your idea or see other’s idea?

Targeted at being the best source/hub of ideas for entrepreneurs or businesses seeking innovation and adding values, superior ideas and ideators are recognized in Coideate.

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Would like to see or share extraordinary experiences?

Extraordinary experiences encountered wherever could be shared with the world to help it to spread or be avoided.

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Features to support above benefits:

-Top 10 Ideas Recognition; Inspiring opportunity for Entrepreneurs
-Top 10 Ideators Recognition
-Category and audience-based posts with distinct comments in terms of pros and cons
-Limited audiences (private in groups) or unlimited (countrywide or public in addition to followers)
-Shortlist facility for too many ideas received when doing RFI
-Filterable Homepage to receive and archive favorite posts
-Dedicated chatroom(forum) for every topic made

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